Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

Curious if dogs can eat eggs? Discover the benefits, risks, and safe serving suggestions for incorporating eggs into your dog's diet.

dog eating eggs

Eggs have long been touted as a “superfood” for humans, brimming with nutrients and high-quality proteins. But what about our furry friends? Can dogs partake in this nutrient-packed delight too? In this blog post, we’ll crack open the facts on dogs and eggs, and whether they deserve a spot in your dog’s diet. 

Eggs are a safe and nutritious snack for dogs

Eggs boast a powerhouse of nutrition, offering a plethora of benefits for our canine companions. Rich in high-quality protein, they are also jam-packed with essential amino acids and fatty acids, making them an excellent snack for dogs.

  • Eggs Are Protein-Rich: The protein in eggs can support muscle development and maintenance in dogs.
  • Amino Acids: These building blocks of protein are crucial for your dog’s health. Eggs contain several essential amino acids that are beneficial to dogs health.
  • Vitamin Fix: Eggs are a source of essential vitamins for dogs. They contain a great source of linoleic acid and fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A. All of these nutrients contribute to healthy skin and coat on your pup. 

Remember to consult with your vet before making eggs a regular treat, as every dog’s dietary needs are different.

It’s important to cook eggs before offering them to your dog

Raw eggs can be dicey for dogs due to potential health risks. Cooking eggs is the way to go to ensure your pup’s safety. The simple step of cooking eggs for your dogs will greatly reduce the risk of salmonella poisoning. Raw eggs also contain avidin. This is an enzyme that prevents the absorption of biotin in the body. It is important to note that Biotin is a vitamin that supports healthy skin and digestion, but because raw eggs contain avidin, it blocks biotin absorption for your dog and can lead to a deficiency. To be safe , we recommend always cooking your eggs before giving them to your dog. 

Avoid adding oils, spices, or seasonings to the eggs

Remember that dogs don’t need the extra flavoring that we humans often enjoy. Keeping it plain is best for your dog’s health. One of the most common spices humans put on their eggs is garlic and onion powder. Although these seasonings are tasty additions to your eggs, they are unsafe for dogs and should be avoided. For the most part, dogs either like eggs or they don’t, so if your pup is refusing to eat their eggs, move on to another snack before going out of your way to flavor them.

Are eggshells safe to feed a dog?

Many people feed their dogs eggshells. Why you ask? Because they contain phosphorus and calcium. It has even been discovered that egg membranes can reduce joint pain for dogs experiencing arthritis. While this can be a great idea to feed your senior pup who may be suffering from joint discomfort, check with your vet first. They may suggest other supplements instead of egg shells to treat the pain.

Some owners avoid giving eggshells to their dog despite its benefits. When breaking up egg shells, the edges often become sharp and jagged. These pieces can get lodged in a dogs throat and also be difficult to digest, so please monitor your dog closely when feeding them this calcium rich treat.

Moderation is key; while eggs can be a healthy treat, they should not replace a balanced canine diet

Treat eggs as you would any treat – in moderation. They are not a substitute for a complete diet but can complement your dog’s regular meals. Here are some tips on how to incorporate eggs into your dog’s diet responsibly:

  • Treat, Not a Meal: Keep eggs as a once-in-a-while snack.
  • Monitor Weight: Eggs are only about 70 calories overall, so they are a great low calories source of true proteins. 

Dr. Emma Scales-Theobald provides a general guideline for dog egg consumption. She suggests that this can vary based on the dog’s age, health, activity level and it is always best to consult a vet when talking about your individual pups needs. She is a canine nutritionist at Pooch & Mutt and shared a summary table to help dog owners gauge how many eggs to feed them.

Consult with a veterinarian before introducing eggs, or any new food, into your dog’s diet

The golden rule before introducing any new food to your dog’s diet is to have a chat with your vet, making sure eggs are an appropriate treat for your pooch.

  • Just like humans, some dogs might be allergic to eggs so monitor your dogs health carefully as you introduce this as a new treat. 
  • Limit the amount of eggs you give your dog when first introducing this food. Start by feeding your dog a small amount first and then monitor to see if they develop stomach discomfort or diarrhea. 
  • Even though eggs provide several nutritional benefits to dogs, your vet may opt for giving a different regiment of vitamins to maintain their health. Keep open communication with your vet to ensure the best nutritional choices for your dog.

In closing, eggs can indeed be a beneficial addition to your dog’s diet when served correctly—cooked and in moderation. They offer a range of vitamins and nutrients that can support various aspects of your dog’s health, from their shiny coat to muscle health. As with any treat, ensure to consult with your veterinarian to cater to your dog’s specific nutritional requirements. Serve up this egg-ceptional treat, and watch your furry friend enjoy a little variety at snack time.

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Jeffrey Manheimer

I have grown up with dogs my entire life. My current fur baby is Frankie, a Bernese Mountain dog that is scared of flies, running water and the gameshow Jeopardy. Her health and joints have been managed by key supplements, vitamins and a variety of food.

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